Bible Classes

Bible Classes

At Woodland Hills, we provide Bible classes for children of all ages. If you wish to review the material we are currently using, we follow the "Bible Study Guide" curriculum up to 6th grade. Our Middle School and High School students are working through "Discovering the Prophets," by David Banning. For more information, see the website:

We offer one adult class currently in the auditorium, where we are studying the following:

  • Sunday                1st Peter
  • Wednesday      Book of Judges

On Sundays, classes starting at 9:30 AM are followed by our worship service, which begins at 10:30 AM. On Wednesdays, classes begin at 7:00 PM and are followed by a brief assembly in the auditorium, which will include singing, prayer, and a short lesson from the Bible. 

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
03/23/22 Ezekiel 25-32 Rob Mackey Ezekiel Wed Bible Study T012_20220323.mp3
03/20/22 Mary Anoints Jesus Drew Jones Last Week Of Jesus Sun Bible Study 20220320bc_mary_annoints_jesus.mp3
03/16/22 Ezekiel 20-24 Rob Mackey Ezekiel Wed Bible Study 20220316bc_ezekiel_20-24.mp3
03/13/22 Arriving At Bethany Drew Jones Last Week Of Jesus Sun Bible Study 20220313bc_arriving_at_bethany.mp3
03/09/22 Ezekiel 16-19 Rob Mackey Ezekiel Wed Bible Study 20220309bc_ezekiel_16-19.mp3
03/06/22 The Last Week Of Jesus - Intro Drew Jones Last Week Of Jesus Sun Bible Study 20220306bc_last_week_of_Jesus1.mp3
03/02/22 Ezekiel 12-15 Rob Mackey Ezekiel Wed Bible Study 20220302bc_ezekiel_12-15.mp3
02/27/22 Philippians 4:11-20 Drew Jones N/A Sun Bible Study 20220227bc_Drew_Philippians_4.mp3
02/20/22 Philippians 4:6-11 Drew Jones Philippians Sun Bible Study 20220220bc_Drew_Philippians_46-11.mp3
02/16/22 Ezekiel 8-11 Rob Mackey Ezekiel Wed Bible Study 20220216bc_Rob_Ezekiel_8-11.mp3
02/13/22 Philippians 4: 2-6 Drew Jones Philippians Sun Bible Study 20220213bc_Drew_Philippians_4.mp3
02/09/22 Ezekiel 4-7 Drew Jones Ezekiel Wed Bible Study 20220209bc_Rob_Ezekiel_4-7.mp3
02/06/22 Philippians 3:12-4:1 Drew Jones Philippians Sun Bible Study 20220206bc_drew_Phillipians_3.mp3
01/30/22 Philippians 3:1-11 Drew Jones Paul's Letter To The Philippians Sun Bible Study T033_20220130.mp3
01/26/22 Chapters 1-3 Rob Mackey Ezekiel Wed Bible Study T032_20220126.mp3
01/23/22 Philippians 2:19-30 Drew Jones Paul's Letter To The Philippians Sun Bible Study T030_20220123.mp3
01/19/22 Lessons From Babel Drew Jones N/A Wed Bible Study 20220119bc_lessons_from_babel.mp3
01/16/22 Philippians 2:12-18 Drew Jones Paul's Letter To The Philippians Sun Bible Study T027_20220116.mp3
01/09/22 Philippians 2:1-11 Drew Jones Paul's Letter To The Philippians Sun Bible Study 20220109bc_drew_philippians_2.mp3
01/05/22 A Fourfold Witness: John 5:16-47 Drew Jones N/A Wed Bible Study 20220105bc_drew_a_fourfold_witness.mp3
01/02/22 Phillipians 1 Drew Jones Paul's Letter To The Philippians Sun Bible Study 20220122bc_drew_phillipians_1.mp3
12/26/21 The Conversion of Paul Rob Mackey N/A Sun Bible Study 20211226bc_RM_Conversion_of_Paul.mp3
12/22/21 The End of the Matter Drew Jones Ecclesiastes (2021) Drew Wed Bible Study 20211222bc_Drew_The_End_of_the_Matter.mp3
12/19/21 Philippians 4 Drew Jones Paul's Letter To The Philippians Sun AM 20211219bc_Drew_Philippians_4.mp3
12/15/21 Wisdom In A Confusing World 2 Drew Jones Ecclesiastes (2021) Drew Wed Bible Study 20211215bc_Drew_Wisdom_In_a_Confusing_World_2.mp3

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